PrecomandaCilindri si kituri de cilindri LA SLEEVE Cylinder Sleeve Silver LA SLEEVE ZNQDMAS 756 lei Quality replacement cylinder sleeves give old cylinders new lifeCL – The cylinder’s original cast-in liner will be bored, but not completely removed sleeve is designed to insert into the iron-lined cylinder Adauga in cos
PrecomandaCilindri si kituri de cilindri LA SLEEVE Cylinder Sleeve Silver LA SLEEVE XCL4RPM 737 lei Quality replacement cylinder sleeves give old cylinders new lifeCL – The cylinder’s original cast-in liner will be bored, but not completely removed sleeve is designed to insert into the iron-lined cylinder Adauga in cos
PrecomandaCilindri si kituri de cilindri LA SLEEVE Cylinder Sleeve Silver LA SLEEVE VWV9AYD 756 lei Quality replacement cylinder sleeves give old cylinders new lifeCL – The cylinder’s original cast-in liner will be bored, but not completely removed sleeve is designed to insert into the iron-lined cylinder Adauga in cos
PrecomandaCilindri si kituri de cilindri LA SLEEVE Cylinder Sleeve Silver LA SLEEVE UFQ76MJ 903 lei Quality replacement cylinder sleeves give old cylinders new lifeCL – The cylinder’s original cast-in liner will be bored, but not completely removed sleeve is designed to insert into the iron-lined cylinder Adauga in cos
PrecomandaCilindri si kituri de cilindri LA SLEEVE Cylinder Sleeve Silver LA SLEEVE Q3WS6C3 810 lei Quality replacement cylinder sleeves give old cylinders new lifeCL – The cylinder’s original cast-in liner will be bored, but not completely removed sleeve is designed to insert into the iron-lined cylinder Adauga in cos
PrecomandaCilindri si kituri de cilindri LA SLEEVE Cylinder Sleeve Silver LA SLEEVE EGN6HRT 925 lei Quality replacement cylinder sleeves give old cylinders new lifeCL – The cylinder’s original cast-in liner will be bored, but not completely removed sleeve is designed to insert into the iron-lined cylinder Adauga in cos
PrecomandaCilindri si kituri de cilindri LA SLEEVE Cylinder Sleeve Silver LA SLEEVE D2DYHEC 848 lei Quality replacement cylinder sleeves give old cylinders new lifeCL – The cylinder’s original cast-in liner will be bored, but not completely removed sleeve is designed to insert into the iron-lined cylinder Adauga in cos
PrecomandaCilindri si kituri de cilindri LA SLEEVE Cylinder Sleeve Silver LA SLEEVE 9XMJ9F5 782 lei Quality replacement cylinder sleeves give old cylinders new lifeCL – The cylinder’s original cast-in liner will be bored, but not completely removed sleeve is designed to insert into the iron-lined cylinder Adauga in cos
PrecomandaCilindri si kituri de cilindri LA SLEEVE Cylinder Rebuild Kit LA SLEEVE 5YZXU2U 1.945 lei The foremost compatible top-end rebuild kit all in one boxFeature a Moly2000 centrifugally-spun, cast cylinder sleeved iron bore to provide better ring seal for better compression, more torque and more horsepower2-stroke kit comes complete with wear-resistant Moly2000 centrifugally-spun, cast cylinder sleeve, matching pro-forged or pro-cast piston kit,... Adauga in cos